Hillary Clinton Translated: Karzai’s Our Man; Let’s Talk About Something Else

Monday, November 02, 2009
Hillary Clinton and Hamid Karzai (AP Photo/Kevin Wolf)

The United States’ resolve to back President Hamid Karzai showed no signs of wavering over the weekend even while serious concerns continued to be expressed over the legitimacy of Afghanistan’s ruler. On November 2, Afghanistan's Independent Election Commission declared Karzai president after challenger Abdullah Abdullah withdrew fron the runoff that had been scheduled for November 7. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the U.S. had no problems with Abdullah’s decision to withdraw, saying the move did not reflect negatively on Karzai’s place in power. Abdullah withdrew from the runoff after the government failed to address his concerns about a possible repeat of the voter fraud that took place in August which resulted in nearly a million votes for Karzai being tossed out. Clinton said candidates have pulled out of runoffs before, even in the U.S. “I don't think it has anything to do with the legitimacy of the election,” she was quoted as saying in the British media.

-Noel Brinkerhoff
Karzai Rival Steps Aside but Challenges Electoral Fraud (by Carlotta Gall and Alissa Rubin, New York Times)


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