House May Investigate Bush Abuses if Obama Doesn’t

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Barack Obama has shown a reluctance to address the issue of possible crimes committed by President Bush and his administration. In this context, the office of John Conyers, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, has issued a 487-page report (PDF) comprehensively examining and condemning the Bush administration’s abuses of power during the past eight years. The report, titled “Reining in the Imperial Presidency,” bluntly addresses the unconstitutional expansion of executive power: “The Bush Administration’s approach to power is, at its core, little more than a restatement of Mr. Nixon’s famous rationalization of presidential misdeeds: ‘When the president does it ,that means it’s not illegal.’…Perhaps nowhere was the range and scope of this most recent version of the Imperial Presidency more apparent than within the United States Department of Justice, the cornerstone of law enforcement in our country…There have been additional transgressions against the Constitution and the country by the Bush Administration. There was the contrived and manipulated drive to a preemptive war of aggression with Iraq…There was the unconscionable use of detention without cause; enhanced interrogation if not outright torture; extraordinary rendition; the extralegal use of national security letters; warrantless wiretaps of American citizens; the unilateral weakening of our regulatory system; the use of signing statements to override the laws of the land; and the intimidation and silencing of critics and whistleblowers who dared tell fellow citizens what was being done in their name.”

The report also makes 47 policy suggestions, beginning with the formation of a blue ribbon commission with the power to subpoena documents and witnesses to investigate the Bush administration’s crimes. Congressman Conyers commented, “Investigations are not a matter of payback or political revenge – it is our responsibility to examine what has occurred and to set an appropriate baseline of conduct for future administrations.”
Reining in the Imperial Presidency: Lessons and Recommendations Relating to the Presidency of George W. Bush (PDF) (House Committee on the Judiciary Majority Staff Report to John Conyers Jr.)


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