Senators Force First-Ever Medicare-For-All Vote

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Supporters of a single-payer health care system have not yet given up the fight in the U.S. Senate, where a vote will soon take place on an amendment creating a Medicare-for-all type of system. The plan is the brainchild of Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who introduced a similar proposal in March but lost that battle. This time Sanders has the support of Senators Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Roland Burris (D-IL) who have co-authored Senate Amendment 2837, which is attached to the Senate’s health care reform plan. A vote on the single payer plan is expected soon.

Physicians for a National Health Program, which supports Sanders’ proposal, said in a prepared statement that the amendment “would replace the present crazy-quilt array of for-profit insurers with a single nonprofit, public financing agency, thereby slashing administrative waste in the system and redirecting the savings to clinical care.”
-Noel Brinkerhoff
Sanders Offers Medicare-For-All Amendment in Senate (Physicians for a National Health Program)
History in a Number: Senate Amendment 2837 (by Donna Smith, Progressive Democrats of America)


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